Me, Myself and I

Hey 👋 I'm Edd and I've been messing with technology for as long as I can remember and since 2017, have been professionally. I started with javascript animations and python web scrapers, fascinated how the virtual and real world could come together.

Bitcoin came into my life around 2012 when my father came home babbling about some internet currency that "the guys in the office were going crazy for". From there, I was hooked.

I started exploring battery tech between careers, becoming totally fanatical with repurposing and upcycling them. I don't think the importance of energy storage can be overstated for the future

With an education in politics, I come at software from a slightly different angle. I love building products for people and with people. I thrive in colaberative teams; researching, designing and building end to end features.

A flavour of my toolset:

  • React
  • Typescript
  • Node
  • AWS
  • Docker
  • Tailwind


Herts Uni
We Got Coders


React Native Developer

oaknorth logo
  • Frontend Chapter Lead
  • Architect of business banking web platform
  • React (native) component library co-author
  • Facial and document recognition
  • React
  • React Native
  • Zustand
  • Vite
  • React-Query
  • React Testing Library
  • Python
  • FastAPI
  • AWS

More projects


Bitcoin + Lightning RaspberryPi node

get umbrel

A self-hosted bitcoin node with an app store for self-soverignty apps. Contributed to the UI, fixing bugs and adding features. Started a project to integrate a screen.

EPSolar Dashboard

RaspberryPi Solar change controller

raspberry pi

Raspberry Pi dashboard that integrates with an EPSolar charge controller. Involved hardware serial investigations and experimentation

Raspberry Pi Thermostat

My first hardware/software project!

A PHP, Javascript and Python thermostat using a DHT22 that switches a heating system on and off. While my presentation leaves a lot to be desired, I proved to myself that I was able to create useful projects using my own code. A real turning point in my life


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